Source code for limepy.limepy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy
import scipy
from scipy.interpolate import BPoly, interp1d, UnivariateSpline
from numpy import exp, sqrt, pi, sin, cos, log10
from scipy.special import gamma, gammainc, hyp1f1
from scipy.integrate import ode, simps, quad
from math import factorial, sinh

#     Authors: Mark Gieles, Alice Zocchi (Surrey 2015)

[docs]class limepy:
[docs] def __init__(self, phi0, g, **kwargs): r""" (MM, A) LIMEPY (Multi-Mass, Anisotropic) Lowered Isothermal Model Explorer in Python This code solves the models presented in Gieles & Zocchi 2015 (GZ15), and calculates radial profiles for some useful quantities. The models are defined by the distribution function (DF) of equation (1) in GZ15. Model parameters: ================= phi0 : scalar, required Central dimensionless potential g : scalar, required Order of truncation (0<= g < 3.5; 0=Woolley, 1=King, 2=Wilson) ra : scalar, required for anisotropic models Anisotropy radius; default=1e8 mj : list, required for multi-mass system Mean mass of each component; default=None Mj : list, required for multi-mass system Total mass of each component; default=None delta : scalar, optional Index in s_j = s x mu_j^-delta; default=0.5 See equation (24) in GZ15 eta : scalar, optional Index in ra_j = ra x mu_j^eta; default=0 See equation (25) in GZ15 Input for scaling: ================== G : scalar, optional Final scaled gravitationsl const; default=0.004302 [(km/s)^2 pc/Msun] M : scalar, optional Final scaled mass; default=10^5 r0, rh, rv, rt : scalar, optional Final scaled radius; default=rh=3 Options: ======== project : bool, optional Compute model properties in projection; default=False meanmassdef : string [global|central] Definition of <m> in mu_j = m_j/<m>; default='global' potonly : bool, optional Fast solution by solving potential only; default=False max_step : scalar, optional Maximum step size for ode output; default=1e10 verbose : bool, optional Print diagnostics; default=False ode_atol : absolute tolerance parameter for ode solver; default=1e-7 ode_rtol : relative tolerance parameter for ode solver; default=1e-7 Output variables: ================= All models: ----------- rhat, phihat, rhohat : radius, potential and density in model units r, phi, rho : as above, in scaled units v2, v2r, v2t : total, radial and tangential mean-square velocity beta : anisotropy profile (equation 32, GZ15) mc : enclosed mass profile r0, rh, rv, rt : radii (King, half-mass, virial, truncation) K, Kr, Kt : kinetic energy: total, radial, tangential U, Q : potential energy, virial ratio A : constant in DF (equation 1, GZ15) volume : phase-space volume occupied by model nstep : number of integration steps (depends on ode_rtol & ode_atol) converged : bool flag to indicate whether model was solved Projected models: ----------------- Sigma : surface (mass) density v2p : line-of-sight mean-square velocity v2R, v2T : radial and tangential component of mean-square velocity on plane of the sky Multi-mass models: ------------------ Properties of each component: phi0j : dimensionless central potential rhohatj : dimensionless density rhoj : density profile v2j : mean-square velocity profile v2rj, v2tj : radial and tangential component of mean-square velocity profile r0j, raj : radii (King, anisotropy) Kj : kinetic energy Krj, Ktj : radial/tangential component of kinetic energy Projected multi-mass models: --------------------------- Properties of each component: Sigmaj : surface (mass) density v2pj : line-of-sight mean-square velocity profile v2Rj, v2Tj : radial and tangential component on the plane of the sky of the mean-square velocity profile Examples: ========= Construct a Woolley model with phi0 = 7 and print r_t/r_0 and r_v/r_h >>> k = limepy(7, 0) >>> print k.rt/k.r0, k.rv/k.rh >>> 19.1293426415 1.17783663028 Construct a Michie-King model and print ratio of anisotropy radius over half-mass radius and the Polyachenko & Shukhman (1981) anisotropy parameter >>> a = limepy(7, 1, ra=5) >>> print a.ra/a.rh, 2*a.Kr/a.Kt >>> 1.03377960149 1.36280949941 Create a Wilson model with phi0 = 12 in Henon/N-body units: G = M = r_v = 1 and print the normalisation constant A of the DF and the value of the DF in the centre: >>> w = limepy(12, 2, G=1, M=1, rv=1) >>> print w.A, w.df(0,0) >>> [ 0.00800902] [ 1303.40270676] Multi-mass model in physical units with r_h = 3 pc and M = 10^5 M_sun and print central densities of each bin over the total central density and the half-mass radius + half-mass radius in projection >>> m = limepy(7, 1, mj=[0.3,1,5], Mj=[9,3,1], rh=3, M=1e5,project=True,\ ...: meanmassdef='central') >>> print m.alpha, m.rh, m.rhp >>> [ 0.30721416 0.14103549 0.55175035] 3.0 2.25494426759 """ # Set parameters and scales self._set_kwargs(phi0, g, **kwargs) self.rhoint0 = [self._rhoint(self.phi0, 0, self.ramax)] # In case of multi-mass model, iterate to find central densities # (see Section 2.2 in GZ15) if (self.multi): # Feb 2016: New method to iterate on the MF. # First solve isotropic model ratmp = self.ra*1.0 self.ra = self.ramax*1.0 self._init_multi(self.mj, self.Mj) while self.diff > self.diffcrit: self._poisson(True) if (not self.converged): error = "Error: rmax reached in mf iteration" raise ValueError(error) else: self._set_alpha() if self.niter > self.max_mf_iter: self.converged=False error = "Error: maximum number of iterations reached " raise ValueError(error) # Now solve anisotropic multimass if ratmp < self.ramax: self.diff = 1 self.ra = ratmp*1.0 self._set_mass_function_variables() while self.diff > self.diffcrit: self._poisson(True) if (not self.converged): error = "Error: rmax reached in mf iteration" raise ValueError(error) else: self._set_alpha() if self.niter > self.max_mf_iter: self.converged=False error ="Error: maximum number of iterations reached" raise ValueError(error) self.r0 = 1.0 if (self.multi): self.r0j = sqrt(self.s2j)*self.r0 # ROT if (self.rot): self._poisson_rot() else: # Solve Poisson equation to get the potential self._poisson(self.potonly) if (self.multi): self.Mj = self._Mjtot # Optional scaling if (self.scale): self._scale() # Optional computation of model properties in projection if (self.project): self._project() # Optional output if (self.verbose): print("\n Model properties: ") print(" ----------------- ") print(" phi0 = %5.2f; g = %4.2f"%(self.phi0, self.g)) print(" Converged = %s"%(self.converged)) if (self.potonly): print(" M = %10.3f; U = %10.4f "%(self.M, self.U)) else: out1 = (self.M,self.U,self.K,-self.K/self.U,2*self.Kr/self.Kt) frm = " M = %10.3e; U = %9.3e; K = %9.3e; Q = %6.4f; " frm += " 2Kr/Kt = %5.3f" print(frm%out1) out2 = (self.rv/self.rh, self.rh/self.r0) out2 += (self.rt/self.r0, self.ra/self.rh) frm = " rv/rh = %4.3f; rh/r0 = %6.3f; " frm += "rt/r0 = %7.3f; ra/rh = %7.3f" print(frm%out2)
def _set_kwargs(self, phi0, g, **kwargs): """ Set parameters and scales """ if (g<0): raise ValueError("Error: g must be larger or equal to 0") if (g>=3.5): raise ValueError("Error: for g>=3.5 models are infinite") self.model = "limepy" # ROT = 0 self.phi0, self.g = phi0, g self._MS, self._RS, self._GS = None, None, None self.scale_radius = None self.scale = False self.project = False self.meanmassdef='global' self.maxr = 1e10 self.max_step = self.maxr self.diffcrit = 1e-8 self.max_arg_exp = 700 # Maximum argument for exponent and hyp1f1 func self.max_mf_iter = 100 # Maximum number of iterations to find rho0j self.minimum_phi = 1e-8 # Stop criterion for integrator self.mf_iter_index = 0.5 self.ode_atol = 1e-7 self.ode_rtol = 1e-7 self.nmbin,, self.eta = 1, 0.5, 0.0 self.G = 9.0/(4.0*pi), self.alpha = numpy.array([1.0]), numpy.array([1.0]) self.s2 = 1.0 self.s2j = numpy.array([1.0]) self.niter = 0 self.potonly, self.multi, self.verbose = [False]*3 self.ra, self.ramax = 1e8, 1e8 self.nstep=1 self.converged=True self._interpolator_set=False if kwargs is not None: for key, value in kwargs.items(): # Check for scaling input if key is 'G': self._GS, self.scale = value, True elif key is 'M': self._MS, self.scale = value, True elif key is 'r0': if self.scale_radius is None: self._RS,self.scale_radius,self.scale = value,'r0', True else: error="Can not set scale radius to r0,already set to %s" raise ValueError(error%self.scale_radius) elif key is 'rh': if self.scale_radius is None: self._RS, self.scale_radius, self.scale=value,'rh', True else: error="Can not set scale radius to rh,already set to %s" raise ValueError(error%self.scale_radius) elif key is 'rv': if self.scale_radius is None: self._RS, self.scale_radius, self.scale=value,'rv', True else: error="Can not set scale radius to rv,already set to %s" raise ValueError(error%self.scale_radius) elif key is 'rt': if self.scale_radius is None: self._RS, self.scale_radius, self.scale=value,'rt', True else: error="Can not set scale radius to rt,already set to %s" raise ValueError(error%self.scale_radius) else: # Set input parameters setattr(self, key, value) if (self.scale): if self._MS is None: self._MS = 1e5 if (self.verbose): print(" No mass-scale provided, set to default M = 1e5") if self._RS is None: self._RS, self.scale_radius = 3, 'rh' if (self.verbose): print(" No radius-scale provided, set to default rh = 3") if self._GS is None: self._GS = 0.004302 if (self.verbose): print(" No G provided, set to default: G = 0.004302") if (self.verbose): vars=(self._GS, self._MS, self.scale_radius, self._RS) print(" Model scaled to: G = %s, M = %s, %s = %s"%vars) if 'mj' in kwargs and 'Mj' in kwargs: self.multi=True if len(self.Mj) is not len(self.mj): raise ValueError("Error: Mj and mj must have same length") if ('mj' not in kwargs and 'Mj' in kwargs) or \ ('Mj' not in kwargs and 'mj' in kwargs): raise ValueError("Error: Supply both mj and Mj") self.raj = numpy.array([self.ra]) if self.potonly and self.project: raise ValueError('Error: You must not use potonly and project') self.rot = False if > 0: print(" Warning: ROTATION PART NOT FINISHED! ") self.rot = True return def _logcheck(self, t, y): """ Logs steps and checks for final values """ if (t>0): self.r, self._y = numpy.r_[self.r, t], numpy.c_[self._y, y] self.nstep+=1 return 0 if (y[0]>self.minimum_phi) else -1 def _set_mass_function_variables(self): """ Multi-mass models: Set properties for each mass bin """ if self.meanmassdef=='global': Nj = self.Mj/self.mj self.mmean = sum(self.Mj/sum(Nj)) elif self.meanmassdef=='central': self.mmean = sum(self.mj*self.alpha) # equation (26) GZ15 else: raise ValueError(" meanmass must be 'global' or 'central'") = self.mj/self.mmean self.s2j =**(-2* # equation (24) GZ15 self.raj = self.ra***self.eta # equation (25) GZ15 self.phi0j = self.phi0/self.s2j self.rhoint0 = numpy.zeros(self.nmbin) for j in range(self.nmbin): self.rhoint0[j] = self._rhoint(self.phi0j[j], 0, self.ramax) def _init_multi(self, mj, Mj): """ Initialise parameters and arrays for multi-mass system (Section 2.2 in GZ15) """ self.multi=True self.mj = numpy.array(mj) self.Mj = numpy.array(Mj) self.nmbin = len(mj) # Set trial value for alpha_j array, will be updated in iterations self.alpha = self.Mj/sum(self.Mj) self._set_mass_function_variables() self.diff = 1 def _set_alpha(self): """ Set central rho_j for next iteration """ # The power of mf_iter_index = 0.5. This is lower than the recommended # value of 1 as used in Da Costa & Freeman 1976 and Gunn & Griffin 1979. # Better convergence is reached for a smaller value, but a user may # experiment with larger values to gain speed. self.alpha *= (self.Mj/self._Mjtot)**self.mf_iter_index self.alpha/=sum(self.alpha) self._set_mass_function_variables() self.diff = sum((self._Mjtot/sum(self._Mjtot) - self.Mj/sum(self.Mj))**2)/len(self._Mjtot) self.niter+=1 self.nstep=1 if (self.verbose): fracd,Mjit="", "" for j in range(self.nmbin): M1 = self._Mjtot[j]/sum(self._Mjtot) M2 = self.Mj[j]/sum(self.Mj) fracd=fracd+"%7.3f "%(( M1 - M2)/M2) Mjit=Mjit+"%7.3f "%(self._Mjtot[j]/sum(self._Mjtot)) out = (self.niter, self.mf_iter_index, self.diff, self.converged*1,\ fracd, Mjit) frm = " %2i; ind=%3.1f; diff= %6.1e; conv= %s;" frm += " fdiff=%s; Mjtot=%s" print(frm%out) def _poisson(self, potonly): """ Solves Poisson equation """ # y = [phi, u_j, U, K_j], where u = -M(<r)/G # Initialize self.r = numpy.array([0]) self._y = numpy.r_[self.phi0, numpy.zeros(self.nmbin+1)] if (not potonly): self._y = numpy.r_[self._y,numpy.zeros(2*self.nmbin)] self._y = numpy.r_[self._y, 0] # Ode solving using Runge-Kutta integator of order 4(5) 'dopri5' # (Hairor, Norsett& Wanner 1993) max_step = self.maxr if (potonly) else self.max_step sol = ode(self._odes) sol.set_integrator('dopri5',nsteps=1e6,max_step=max_step, atol=self.ode_atol,rtol=self.ode_rtol) sol.set_solout(self._logcheck) sol.set_f_params(potonly) sol.set_initial_value(self._y,0) sol.integrate(self.maxr) # Extrapolate to r_t: # phi(r) =~ a(r_t -r) # a = GM/r_t^2 GM = -self.G*sum(sol.y[1:1+self.nmbin]) p = 2*sol.y[0]*self.r[-1]/GM if (p<=0.5): rtfac = (1 - sqrt(1-2*p))/p self.rt = rtfac*self.r[-1] if (rtfac > 1) else 1.0000001*self.r[-1] else: self.rt = 1.000001*self.r[-1] # Set the converged flag to True if successful if (self.rt < self.maxr)&(sol.successful()): self.converged=True else: self.converged=False # Calculate the phase space volume occupied by the model dvol = (4./3*pi)**2*(self.rt**3-self.r[-1]**3)*0.5 dvol *= (2*self._y[0,-1])**1.5 self.volume = self._y[-1][-1]+dvol # Fill arrays needed if potonly=True self.r = numpy.r_[self.r, self.rt] self.rhat = self.r*1.0 self.phihat = numpy.r_[self._y[0,:], 0] self.phi = self.phihat*1.0 self._Mjtot = -sol.y[1:1+self.nmbin]/self.G self.M = sum(self._Mjtot) # Save the derivative of the potential for the potential interpolater dphidr = numpy.sum(self._y[1:1+self.nmbin,1:],axis=0)/self.r[1:-1]**2 self.dphidrhat1 = numpy.r_[0, dphidr, -self.G*self.M/self.rt**2] self.A = self.alpha/(2*pi*self.s2j)**1.5/self.rhoint0 if (not self.multi): = -numpy.r_[self._y[1,:], self._y[1,-1]]/self.G if (self.multi): = sum(-self._y[1:1+self.nmbin,:]/self.G) = numpy.r_[,[-1]] # Compute radii to be able to scale in case potonly=True self.U = self._y[1+self.nmbin,-1] - 0.5*self.G*self.M**2/self.rt # Get half-mass radius from cubic interpolation, because the half-mass # radius can be used as a scale length, this needs to be done # accurately, a linear interpolation does not suffice. Because the # density array is not known yet at this point, we need a temporary # evaluation of density in the vicinity of r_h ih = numpy.searchsorted(, 0.5*[-1])-1 rhotmp=numpy.zeros(2) for j in range(self.nmbin): phi = self.phihat[ih:ih+2]/self.s2j[j] rhotmp += self.alpha[j]*self._rhohat(phi, self.r[ih:ih+2], j) drdm = 1./(4*pi*self.r[ih:ih+2]**2*rhotmp) rmc_and_derivs = numpy.vstack([[self.r[ih:ih+2]],[drdm]]).T self.rh = BPoly.from_derivatives([ih:ih+2], rmc_and_derivs)(0.5*[-1]) self.rv = -0.5*self.G*self.M**2/self.U # Additional stuff if (not potonly): # Calculate kinetic energy (total, radial, tangential) self.K = numpy.sum(sol.y[2+self.nmbin:2+2*self.nmbin]) self.Kr = numpy.sum(sol.y[2+2*self.nmbin:2+3*self.nmbin]) self.Kt = self.K - self.Kr # Calculate density and velocity dispersion components if (not self.multi): self.rhohat = self._rhohat(self.phihat, self.r, 0) self.rho = self.rhohat*1.0 self.v2, self.v2r, self.v2t = \ self._get_v2(self.phihat, self.r, self.rhohat, 0) # For multi-mass models, calculate quantities for each mass bin if (self.multi): for j in range(self.nmbin): phi = self.phihat/self.s2j[j] rhohatj = self._rhohat(phi, self.r, j) v2j, v2rj, v2tj = self._get_v2(phi, self.r, rhohatj, j) v2j, v2rj, v2tj = (q*self.s2j[j] for q in [v2j,v2rj,v2tj]) betaj = self._beta(self.r, v2rj, v2tj) kj = self._y[2+self.nmbin+j,:] krj = self._y[2+2*self.nmbin+j,:] ktj = kj - krj mcj = -numpy.r_[self._y[1+j,:], self._y[1+j,-1]]/self.G rhj = numpy.interp(0.5*mcj[-1], mcj, self.r) if (j==0): self.rhohatj = rhohatj self.rhohat = self.alpha[0] * self.rhohatj self.v2j, self.v2rj, self.v2tj = v2j, v2rj, v2tj self.v2 = self._Mjtot[j]*v2j/self.M self.v2r = self._Mjtot[j]*v2rj/self.M self.v2t = self._Mjtot[j]*v2tj/self.M self.betaj = betaj self.kj, self.krj, self.ktj = kj, krj, ktj self.Kj, self.Krj = kj[-1], krj[-1] self.ktj = self.kj - self.krj self.Ktj = self.Kj - self.Krj self.rhj, self.mcj = rhj, mcj else: self.rhohatj = numpy.vstack((self.rhohatj, rhohatj)) self.rhohat += self.alpha[j]*rhohatj self.v2j = numpy.vstack((self.v2j, v2j)) self.v2rj = numpy.vstack((self.v2rj, v2rj)) self.v2tj = numpy.vstack((self.v2tj, v2tj)) self.v2 += self._Mjtot[j]*v2j/self.M self.v2r += self._Mjtot[j]*v2rj/self.M self.v2t += self._Mjtot[j]*v2tj/self.M self.betaj = numpy.vstack((self.betaj, betaj)) self.kj = numpy.vstack((self.kj, kj)) self.krj = numpy.vstack((self.krj, krj)) self.ktj = numpy.vstack((self.ktj, ktj)) self.Kj = numpy.r_[self.Kj, kj[-1]] self.Krj = numpy.r_[self.Krj, krj[-1]] self.Ktj = numpy.r_[self.Ktj, ktj[-1]] self.rhj = numpy.r_[self.rhj,rhj] self.mcj = numpy.vstack((self.mcj, mcj)) self.rho = self.rhohat*1.0 self.rhoj = self.rhohatj*1.0 # Calculate anisotropy profile (equation 32 of GZ15) self.beta = self._beta(self.r, self.v2r, self.v2t) def _rhohat(self, phi, r, j): """ Wrapper for _rhoint when either: both phi or r are arrays, or both are scalar """ if not hasattr(phi,"__len__"): phi = numpy.array([phi]) if not hasattr(r,"__len__"): r = numpy.array([r]) n = max([phi.size, r.size]) rhohat = numpy.zeros(n) for i in range(n): if (phi[i]<self.max_arg_exp) or (numpy.isnan(phi[i])): rhohat[i] = self._rhoint(phi[i], r[i], self.raj[j]) rhohat[i] /= self.rhoint0[j] else: # For large phi compute the ratio in one go (Section 4.1, GZ15) rhohat[i] = exp(phi[i]-self.phi0j[j]) if (self.multi) else 0 return rhohat def _rhoint(self, phi, r, ra): """ Dimensionless density integral as a function of phi and r (scalar) """ # Isotropic case first (equation 8, GZ15) rhoint = exp(phi)*gammainc(self.g + 1.5, phi) # Anisotropic case, add r-dependent part explicitly (equation 11, GZ15) if (self.ra < self.ramax) and (phi>0) and (r>0): p, g = r/ra, self.g p2 = p**2 g3, g5, fp2 = g+1.5, g+2.5, phi*p2 func = hyp1f1(1, g5, -fp2) if fp2 < self.max_arg_exp else g3/fp2 rhoint += p2*phi**(g+1.5)*func/gamma(g5) rhoint /= (1+p2) return rhoint def _get_v2(self, phi, r, rho, j): v2 = numpy.zeros(r.size) v2r, v2t = numpy.zeros(r.size), numpy.zeros(r.size) for i in range(r.size-1): v2[i], v2r[i], v2t[i] = self._rhov2int(phi[i], r[i], self.raj[j]) v2[i] /= rho[i]*self.rhoint0[j] v2r[i] /= rho[i]*self.rhoint0[j] v2t[i] /= rho[i]*self.rhoint0[j] return v2, v2r, v2t def _rhov2int(self, phi, r, ra): """Compute dimensionless pressure integral for phi, r """ # Isotropic case first (equation 9, GZ15) rhov2r = exp(phi)*gammainc(self.g + 2.5, phi) rhov2 = 3*rhov2r rhov2t = 2*rhov2r # Add anisotropy, add parts depending explicitly on r # (see equations 12, 13, and 14 of GZ15) if (ra < self.ramax) and (r>0) and (phi>0): p, g = r/ra, self.g p2 = p**2 p12 = 1+p2 g3, g5, g7, fp2 = g+1.5, g+2.5, g+3.5, phi*p2 P1 = p2*phi**g5/gamma(g7) H1 = hyp1f1(1, g7, -fp2) if fp2 <self.max_arg_exp else g5/fp2 H2 = hyp1f1(2, g7, -fp2) if fp2 <self.max_arg_exp else g5*g3/fp2**2 rhov2r += P1*H1 rhov2r /= p12 rhov2t /= p12 rhov2t += 2*P1*(H1/p12 + H2) rhov2t /= p12 rhov2 = rhov2r + rhov2t return rhov2, rhov2r, rhov2t def _beta(self, r, v2r, v2t): """ Calculate the anisotropy profile """ beta = numpy.zeros(r.size) if (self.ra < self.ramax): c = (v2r>0.) # Equation (32), GZ15 beta[c] = 1.0 - 0.5*v2t[c]/v2r[c] return beta def _odes(self, x, y, potonly): """ Solve ODEs """ # y = [phi, u_j, U, K_j], where u = -M(<r)/G if (self.multi): derivs = [numpy.sum(y[1:1+self.nmbin])/x**2] if (x>0) else [0] for j in range(self.nmbin): phi = y[0]/self.s2j[j] derivs.append(-9.0*x**2*self.alpha[j]*self._rhohat(phi, x, j)) dUdx = 2.0*pi*numpy.sum(derivs[1:1+self.nmbin])*y[0]/9. else: derivs = [y[1]/x**2] if (x>0) else [0] derivs.append(-9.0*x**2*self._rhohat(y[0], x, 0)) dUdx = 2.0*pi*derivs[1]*y[0]/9. derivs.append(dUdx) # Calculate pressure tensor components for all the mass bins if (not potonly): #dK_j/dx rhov2j, rhov2rj = [], [] for j in range(self.nmbin): rv2, rv2r, rv2t = self._rhov2int(y[0]/self.s2j[j], x, self.raj[j]) P = self.alpha[j]*self.s2j[j]*2*pi*x**2*rv2/self.rhoint0[j] rhov2j.append(P) Pr = self.alpha[j]*self.s2j[j]*2*pi*x**2*rv2r/self.rhoint0[j] rhov2rj.append(Pr) for j in range(self.nmbin): derivs.append(rhov2j[j]) for j in range(self.nmbin): derivs.append(rhov2rj[j]) dVdvdr = (4*pi)**2*x**2 * (2*y[0])**1.5/3 if (x>0) and (y[0]>0) else 0 derivs.append(dVdvdr) return derivs # ROT: UNDER CONSTRUCTIONS ############## def _poisson_rot(self): self._init_rot() diff_rot = 1e99 while (diff_rot > self.diff_rot_crit): # Compute density rho_l = self._rhohat_rot() self.rho_l = rho_l # Compute potential diff_rot = 0 def _phil_rot(self): phi_l = numpy.zeros(len(self.r)*nl).reshape(len(self.r), nl) phi_l[:,0] = self.phi0*sqrt(2) def legendre_Ul(self, l, theta): il = l/2.0 dl = 1.0/2**l m = numpy.arange(il+1) cm = gamma(2*l-2*m+1)*(-1)**m/(gamma(m+1)*gamma(l-m+1)*gamma(l-2*m+1)) gm = cos(theta)**(l-2*m) Pl = dl*numpy.sum(cm*gm) return sqrt((2*l+1)/2)*Pl def _rhohat_rot(self): for ip in range(len(self.r)): for it in range(self.ntheta): self.rhon_g[ip][it] = self._rhoint_rot(self.phin_g[ip][it], self.r[ip], self.theta[it]) nl = int(self.lmax/2+1) rho_l = numpy.zeros(len(self.r)*nl).reshape(len(self.r), nl) for il in range(nl): l = 2*il for ir in range(len(self.r)): Ul = numpy.zeros(len(self.theta)) for it in range(self.ntheta): Ul[it] = self.legendre_Ul(l, self.theta[it]) rho_l[ir][il] = -2.0 * simps(self.rhon_g[ir]*Ul, x=cos(self.theta)) return rho_l def _rhoint_rot(self, phi, r, theta): # Compute eq 3 for scalar phi, r and theta g, om = self.g, Q = 3*sqrt(2)*r*sin(theta) # Eq 3 integ = quad(lambda x: exp(phi-x)*gammainc(g, phi-x)*numpy.sinh(om*Q*x**0.5), 0, phi)[0] return integ/(om*Q*gamma(1.5)) def _init_rot(self): self.lmax = 6 self.diff_rot_crit = 1e-3 # Grid params self.ntheta = (2*self.lmax + 1) # Compute spherical model first self._poisson(True) phin = self.phi self.theta = numpy.linspace(1e-4, 0.5*pi, self.ntheta) # Set up grid self.r_g, self.theta_g = numpy.meshgrid(self.r, self.theta, indexing ='ij') self.phin_g, tmp = numpy.meshgrid(self.phi, self.theta, indexing ='ij') self.rhon_g = self.phin_g*0.0 # Fudge TBD self.r[0] = 0.5*self.r[1] # Make copy for iterations self.phin_prev_g = self.phin_g*1.0 return ################ def _setup_phi_interpolator(self): """ Setup interpolater for phi, works on scalar and arrays """ # Generate piecewise 3th order polynomials to connect the discrete # values of phi obtained from from Poisson, using dphi/dr self._interpolator_set = True if (self.scale): phi_and_derivs = numpy.vstack([[self.phi],[self.dphidr1]]).T else: phi_and_derivs = numpy.vstack([[self.phihat],[self.dphidrhat1]]).T self._phi_poly = BPoly.from_derivatives(self.r,phi_and_derivs) def _scale(self): """ Scales the model to the units set in the input: GS, MS, RS """ Mstar = self._MS/self.M Gstar = self._GS/self.G if (self.scale_radius=='r0'): Rstar = self._RS/self.r0 if (self.scale_radius=='rh'): Rstar = self._RS/self.rh if (self.scale_radius=='rv'): Rstar = self._RS/self.rv if (self.scale_radius=='rt'): Rstar = self._RS/self.rt v2star = Gstar*Mstar/Rstar # Update the scales that define the system (see Section 2.1.2 of GZ15) self.G *= Gstar = Rstar self.s2 *= v2star self.s2j *= v2star # Anisotropy radii self.ra, self.raj, self.ramax = (q*Rstar for q in [self.ra, self.raj, self.ramax]) # Scale all variable needed when run with potonly=True self.r, self.r0, self.rt = (q*Rstar for q in [self.rhat, self.r0, self.rt]) self.rh, self.rv = (q*Rstar for q in [self.rh,self.rv]) self.M *= Mstar self.phi = self.phihat * v2star self.dphidr1 = self.dphidrhat1 * v2star/Rstar *= Mstar self.U *= Mstar*v2star self.A *= Mstar/(v2star**1.5*Rstar**3) self.volume *= v2star**1.5*Rstar**3 # Scale density, velocity dispersion components, kinetic energy self.rho = self.rhohat*Mstar/Rstar**3 if (not self.potonly): self.rho = self.rhohat*Mstar/Rstar**3 self.v2, self.v2r, self.v2t = (q*v2star for q in [self.v2, self.v2r,self.v2t]) self.K,self.Kr,self.Kt=(q*Mstar*v2star for q in [self.K, self.Kr, self.Kt]) if (self.multi): self.rhoj = self.rhohatj * Mstar/Rstar**3 for j in range(self.nmbin): self.rhoj[j] *= self.alpha[j] self.Mj *= Mstar # 28/1/19 Thanks to William self.mcj *= Mstar self.rhj *= Rstar self.v2j,self.v2rj,self.v2tj=(q*v2star for q in [self.v2j, self.v2rj,self.v2tj]) self.kj *= Mstar*v2star self.Krj *= Mstar*v2star self.Ktj *= Mstar*v2star self.Kj *= Mstar*v2star def _tonp(self, q): q = numpy.array([q]) if not hasattr(q,"__len__") else numpy.array(q) return q def _project(self): """ Compute projected mass density (Sigma) and projected <v2> profiles """ # Initialise the projected quantities: # R is the projected (2d) distance from the center, Sigma is the # projected density, v2p is the line-of-sight velocity dispersion, # v2R and v2T are the radial and tangential velocity dispersion # components projected on the plane of the sky # Initialise some arrays R = self.r Sigma = numpy.zeros(self.nstep) v2p = numpy.zeros(self.nstep) v2R = numpy.zeros(self.nstep) v2T = numpy.zeros(self.nstep) mcp = numpy.zeros(self.nstep) if (self.multi): Sigmaj = numpy.zeros((self.nmbin, self.nstep)) v2pj = numpy.zeros((self.nmbin, self.nstep)) v2Rj = numpy.zeros((self.nmbin, self.nstep)) v2Tj = numpy.zeros((self.nmbin, self.nstep)) mcpj = numpy.zeros((self.nmbin, self.nstep)) # TBD # Project model properties for each R for i in range(self.nstep-1): c = (self.r >= R[i]) r = self.r[c] z = sqrt(abs(r**2 - R[i]**2)) # avoid small neg. values Sigma[i] = 2.0*abs(simps(self.rho[c], x=z)) betaterm1 = 1 if i==0 else 1-self.beta[c]*R[i]**2/self.r[c]**2 # eq 41 in paper has a small mistake: (1-R^2)/r^2 should be (1-R^2/r^2) as below betaterm2 = 1 - self.beta[c] if i==0 else 1-self.beta[c]*(1-R[i]**2/self.r[c]**2) v2p[i] = abs(2.0*simps(betaterm1*self.rho[c]*self.v2r[c], x=z)) v2p[i] /= Sigma[i] v2R[i] = abs(2.0*simps(betaterm2*self.rho[c]*self.v2r[c], x=z)) v2R[i] /= Sigma[i] v2T[i] = abs(simps(self.rho[c]*self.v2t[c], x=z)) v2T[i] /= Sigma[i] # Cumulative mass in projection if (i>0): x = self.r[i-1:i+1] mcp[i] = mcp[i-1] + 2*pi*simps(x*Sigma[i-1:i+1], x=x) mcp[-1] = mcp[-2] # Radius containing half the mass in projection self.rhp = numpy.interp(0.5*mcp[-1], mcp, self.r) if (self.multi): for j in range(self.nmbin): Sigmaj[j,i] = 2.0*simps(self.rhoj[j,c], x=z) if (i==0): betaterm1 = 1 betaterm2 = 1 -self.betaj[j,c] else: betaterm1 = 1-self.betaj[j,c]*R[i]**2/self.r[c]**2 # eq 41 in paper has a small mistake: (1-R^2)/r^2 should be (1-R^2/r^2) as below betaterm2 = 1-self.betaj[j,c]*(1-R[i]**2/self.r[c]**2) v2int = simps(betaterm1*self.rhoj[j,c]*self.v2rj[j,c], x=z) v2pj[j,i] = abs(2.0*v2int) v2pj[j,i] /= Sigmaj[j,i] v2int = simps(betaterm2*self.rhoj[j,c]*self.v2rj[j,c], x=z) v2Rj[j,i] = abs(2.0*v2int) v2Rj[j,i] /= Sigmaj[j,i] v2Tj[j,i] = abs(simps(self.rhoj[j,c]*self.v2tj[j,c], x=z)) v2Tj[j,i] /= Sigmaj[j,i] self.R, self.Sigma = R, Sigma self.v2p, self.v2R, self.v2T = v2p, v2R, v2T self.mcp = mcp # TBD: Compute half-mass radii in projection if (self.multi): self.Sigmaj = Sigmaj self.v2pj, self.v2Rj, self.v2Tj = v2pj, v2Rj, v2Tj return def get_Paz(self, az_data, R_data, jns): """ Computes probability of line of sight acceleration at projected R : P(az|R) """ # Under construction !!! # Return P(az|R) az_data = abs(az_data) # Consider only positive values # Assumes units of az [m/s^2] if self.G ==0.004302, else models units # Conversion factor from [pc (km/s)^2/Msun] -> [m/s^2] az_fac = 1./3.0857e10 if (self.G==0.004302) else 1 if (R_data < self.rt): nz = self.nstep # Number of z value equal to number of r values zt = sqrt(self.rt**2 - R_data**2) # maximum z value at R z = numpy.logspace(log10(self.r[1]), log10(zt), nz) spl_Mr = UnivariateSpline(self.r,, s=0, ext=1) # Spline for enclosed mass r = sqrt(R_data**2 + z**2) # Local r array az = self.G*spl_Mr(r)*z/r**3 # Acceleration along los az[-1] = self.G*spl_Mr(self.rt)*zt/self.rt**3 # Ensure non-zero final data point az *= az_fac # convert to [m/s^2] az_spl = UnivariateSpline(z, az, k=4, s=0, ext=1) # 4th order needed to find max (can be done easier?) zmax = az_spl.derivative().roots() # z where az = max(az), can be done without 4th order spline? azt = az[-1] # acceleration at the max(z) = sqrt(r_t**2 - R**2) # Setup spline for rho(z) if jns == 0 and self.nmbin == 1: rho = self.rho else: rho = self.rhoj[jns] rho_spl = UnivariateSpline(self.r, rho, ext=1, s=0) rhoz = rho_spl(sqrt(z**2 + R_data**2)) rhoz_spl = UnivariateSpline(z, rhoz, ext=1, s=0) # Now compute P(a_z|R) # There are 2 possibilities depending on R: # (1) the maximum acceleration occurs within the cluster boundary, or # (2) max(a_z) = a_z,t (this happens when R ~ r_t) nr, k = nz, 3 # bit of experimenting # Option (1): zmax < max(z) if len(zmax)>0: zmax = zmax[0] # Take first entry for the rare cases with multiple peaks # Set up 2 splines for the inverse z(a_z) for z < zmax and z > zmax z1 = numpy.linspace(z[0], zmax, nr) z2 = (numpy.linspace(zmax, z[-1], nr))[::-1] # Reverse z for ascending az z1_spl = UnivariateSpline(az_spl(z1), z1, k=k, s=0, ext=1) z2_spl = UnivariateSpline(az_spl(z2), z2, k=k, s=0, ext=1) # Option 2: zmax = max(z) else: zmax = z[-1] z1 = numpy.linspace(z[0], zmax, nr) z1_spl = UnivariateSpline(az_spl(z1), z1, k=k, s=0, ext=1) # Maximum acceleration along this los azmax = az_spl(zmax) # Now determine P(az_data|R) if (az_data < azmax): z1 = max([z1_spl(az_data), z[0]]) # first radius where az = az_data Paz = rhoz_spl(z1)/abs(az_spl.derivatives(z1)[1]) if (az_data> azt): # Find z where a_z = a_z,t z2 = z2_spl(az_data) Paz += rhoz_spl(z2)/abs(az_spl.derivatives(z2)[1]) # Normalize to 1 Paz /= rhoz_spl.integral(0, zt) self.z = z = az self.Paz = Paz self.azmax = azmax self.zmax = zmax else: self.Paz = 0 else: self.Paz = 0 return def interp_phi(self, r): """ Returns interpolated potential at r, works on scalar and arrays """ if not hasattr(r,"__len__"): r = numpy.array([r]) if (not self._interpolator_set): self._setup_phi_interpolator() phi = numpy.zeros([r.size]) inrt = (r<self.rt) # Use 3th order polynomials to interp, using phi' if (sum(inrt)>0): phi[inrt] = self._phi_poly(r[inrt]) return phi
[docs] def df(self, *arg): """ Returns the value of the normalised DF at a given position in phase space, can only be called after solving Poisson's equation Arguments can be: - r, v (isotropic single-mass models) - r, v, j (isotropic multi-mass models) - r, v, theta, j (anisotropic models) - x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, j (all models) Here j specifies the mass bin, j=0 for single mass Works with scalar and array input """ if (len(arg)<2) or (len(arg)==5) or (len(arg)==6) or (len(arg)>7): raise ValueError("Error: df needs 2, 3, 4 or 7 arguments") if (len(arg)<=3) and (self.ra<self.ramax): raise ValueError("Error: model is anisotropy, more input needed") if len(arg) == 2: r, v = (self._tonp(q) for q in arg) j = 0 if len(arg) == 3: r, v = (self._tonp(q) for q in arg[:-1]) j = arg[-1] if len(arg) == 4: r, v, theta = (self._tonp(q) for q in arg[:-1]) j = arg[-1] if len(arg) < 7: r2, v2 = r**2, v**2 if len(arg) == 7: x, y, z, vx, vy, vz = (self._tonp(q) for q in arg[:-1]) j = arg[-1] r2 = x**2 + y**2 + z**2 v2 = vx**2 + vy**2 + vz**2 r, v = sqrt(r2), sqrt(v2) # Interpolate potential and calculate escape velocity as a # function of the distance from the center phi = self.interp_phi(r) vesc2 = 2.0*phi # Note: phi > 0 DF = numpy.zeros([max(r.size, v.size)]) if (len(r) == len(v2)): # Bitwise & needed to allow for possibility that r and v2 are arrays c = (r<self.rt) & (v2<vesc2) if (len(r) == 1) and (len(v2) > 1): c = (v2<vesc2) if (r>self.rt): c=False if (len(r) > 1) and (len(v2) == 1): # Bitwise & needed to allow for possibility that r and v2 are arrays c = (r<self.rt) & (numpy.zeros(len(r))+v2<vesc2) if (sum(c)>0): # Compute the DF: equation (1), GZ15 E = (phi-0.5*v2)/self.s2j[j] # Dimensionless positive energy DF[c] = exp(E[c]) if (self.g>0): DF[c] *= gammainc(self.g, E[c]) if (len(arg)==7): J2 = v2*r2 - (x*vx + y*vy + z*vz)**2 if (len(arg)==4): J2 = sin(theta)**2*v2*r2 if (len(arg)<=3): J2 = numpy.zeros(len(c)) DF[c] *= exp(-J2[c]/(2*self.raj[j]**2*self.s2j[j])) DF[c] *= self.A[j] else: DF = numpy.zeros(max(len(r),len(v))) return DF